Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Government to the Minister

Meeting of representatives of ministries of finance, communication lines and state control of the magazine in 1897 was approved by the building of a second path at sites Smolensk - Vitebsk length of 130 miles and Vitebsk - Polotsk - Dvinsk length of 245 miles. At both sites the work begun in 1898 and graduated in 1900

October 10, 1868 opened the section from Vitebsk to Roslavl length of 239 miles, 24 November, 1868 - from Eagle Roslavl to 249 miles in length. The entire road was built in one way, with stone pillars of bridges were constructed in two ways. Construction of the Orel-Vitebsk highway road was completed, connecting the inner region to the Baltic Sea. Design, construction and operation of the railway station Smolensk-Minsk - Brest

Plans for a connection in Moscow with Warsaw by rail were discussed in a society long before considering this issue at the official level. In 1866 at the request of governors Kingdom of Poland, received the highest command of the study area in this direction. In February this year, Zemskov Smolensk Provincial Assembly has issued a petition to the Government of the railways connecting Moscow from Smolensk, receiving support from Moscow Zemstvos.

In October, Smolenskaya Zemskaya provincial government to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the motion that the proposal of the Government of the rail connection with Warsaw Moscow was made through Smolensk. As an argument to prove the need to implement this plan, government states that: "significant military value of the Moscow-Warsaw road. Economic manufakturnoy need to connect the center of industry in Moscow from the North-West region, devoid of any industrial development. Disadvantageous to the interests of Russian folk solitude and alienation colonized the Belarusian and Lithuanian provinces of the Russian spirit and the center of Russian life. "

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