Wednesday, March 11, 2009

From the train conductor

Train Company "Mordovia" until March-April 2005 has been idle normal green color, with orange-shtorami.Vse just looks great! Our cars overdye current color in the Saratov PRIV.ZhD.Otnositsya our train to the DOP-1 (formerly the DOP - 2) Ruzaevka (Penza branch KBSH.ZHD.). Istoriya.V 90 years in both line-coupe, all cars were Ammendorfovskie (80-ies of the release of 4 cars and 92 years of release from brown walls). In the early 90-ies on the train were still, and Ammendorfy with white stenami.Posledny Ammendorf with white walls were removed in 95 godu.Ostalnye were all korichnevye.V 94 year of new cars Ammendorfovskie SV.V 96-97 year our directorate received new coupe cars TVZ, model 61-820 with yellow walls and windows, some as Ammendorfov.Partiya cars, released at the end of 96 years (3-hundredths of rooms) came to us in spring 96 goda.Togda one was removed from the brown Ammendorfy, release 80 godov.Ammendorfy 92 years ostalis.A another party wagon, launched in mid-end of 97 years (5 hundredths, and 6-hundredths and one car number 10 409, which is little used) came to us vesnoy.Togda, the last batch of cars (3-hundredths number) of the composition was transferred to a different composition, from which are also removed brown Ammendorfy 80-ies vypuska.A new party (5-and 6-hundredths hundredths rooms) entered the first of just replace them.

In the 99-2000 year began a gradual renovation and seats vagonov.Tak in 99-2000 of the seats have cars TVZ new with white walls and corked oknami.V 2000, has all seats Kalininsky cars (80 years of release) have been replaced new TVZ.Starye podtsepali only slowly come to kraynyak.Prodolzhali and new coupe vagony.V end of 2000 we arrived to the new coupe cars TVZ with white walls and corked windows (8-and 9-hundredths hundredths numbers), but they were 4.I just used it mostly as a reserve, but the first of their sometimes stavili.V 2002 to train our staff have been purchased new cars and TVZ.Takzhe quietly updated coupe vagony.Vesnoy 2002, the first second of moved one coupe car (97 years of release, number 10 575). And on his place in the first set at a permanent seat coupe car TVZ 2000, already zakuporennyy.V the beginning of January with the first one coupe wagon moved to the second composition (TVZ, 97 GV at number 10 567). A 96-year cars TVZ release (3-hundredths of rooms) slowly built everything back and back, and they were optional, and not osnovnymi.A Ammendorfovskie coupe cars (92 GV) and went sebe.12 th and 13th, not more.

In 2004, we bought new cars with coupe biotualetami.Nachinaya Since January 2005, cars began to slowly pick up the preparation and painting in Saratov, in order to update all poezda.V therefore temporarily seats cars were like in 90 years 80 GV release, as well as Ammendorfovskie coupe cars (80 years of release), as well as cars and Ammendorfovskie 92 GV, which unfortunately have not been certified to qualify obnovleniyu.Proshel only one coupe Ammendorf in the first 92 GV , and his painting otpravlyali.Itak was from January to March 2005 goda.Kogda first of the upgraded, it prizentirovali in Saranske.A second update of the little pogodya.V early aprelya.Da and then when it updated it 2 more weeks hung orange silk shtory.V May 2005, we transferred 3 coupe-wagon bufeta.2 of Samara, and one of only Penzy.Ammendorfovskie.Odin usual coupe Ammendorf (perekrashenny and updated with the first team) went in the second up to August 2005 12-MA 13-m has already been TVZ coupe (2000 GV). In August, when the wagon has already been removed from the train from outside of the state, at his place in the second set of coupe TVZ (2000 GV ). In the first of 12 and 13 cars were coupe with chemical / compost toilet (2004 GV). TVZ 61-820 coupe cars went like this: the first was composed entirely at the end, only 6 th numbers, and the second of a 3 -s, but at the tail, and two 5's, but closer.

The immediate task

The entire length of roads is estimated at 245 miles. Since June 15, 1894 Dvinsk-Vitebsk road with his latest Governing Redere based on the highest approved June 6, 1894 of the Committee of Ministers and the Department of State saving the State Council adopted in the treasury.

The immediate task of the Government in the communications device in the North-West province was recognized by an inside Russia Rigaud-Dinaburgskoy road. The first step in this direction was already made concessions to the talent Dinaburg-Vitebsk road. Necessary to ensure the continuation of that line to the Eagle. Since the beginning of 1865 began to receive proposals for the device path in that direction. Rigaud-Dinaburgskaya car was bought under the agreement and proceeded to the Exchequer 1 Jan, 1894. And on 1 February of that year moved to the treasury and the Orel-Vitebsk railroad. From 1 January, 1895 Orel-Vitebsk road with beetles Lyudinovskoy branch, Dvinsk-Vitebsk, Rigo-Rigo-Dvinsky with Bolderakskoy branch and Mitavskie railways were merged into one under the title Rigo-Orel. Since May 10, 1896 it was annexed, and Rigaud, Tukums railway. The highest approved April 9, 1899 Regulations Committee of Ministers and the Department of State, Minister of economy, the State Council of Communications was given permission for construction from the state treasury normal gauge from Vitebsk to Zhlobin Libava-Romenskaya railroad along the right bank of the Dnieper. Passenger and freight traffic along the entire line was opened on December 24, 1902 Order Rigo Orel-road, which proceeded to the railway line was built Vitebsk - Orsha - Mogilev - Zhlobin as part of future highway Petersburg - South.

Government to the Minister

Meeting of representatives of ministries of finance, communication lines and state control of the magazine in 1897 was approved by the building of a second path at sites Smolensk - Vitebsk length of 130 miles and Vitebsk - Polotsk - Dvinsk length of 245 miles. At both sites the work begun in 1898 and graduated in 1900

October 10, 1868 opened the section from Vitebsk to Roslavl length of 239 miles, 24 November, 1868 - from Eagle Roslavl to 249 miles in length. The entire road was built in one way, with stone pillars of bridges were constructed in two ways. Construction of the Orel-Vitebsk highway road was completed, connecting the inner region to the Baltic Sea. Design, construction and operation of the railway station Smolensk-Minsk - Brest

Plans for a connection in Moscow with Warsaw by rail were discussed in a society long before considering this issue at the official level. In 1866 at the request of governors Kingdom of Poland, received the highest command of the study area in this direction. In February this year, Zemskov Smolensk Provincial Assembly has issued a petition to the Government of the railways connecting Moscow from Smolensk, receiving support from Moscow Zemstvos.

In October, Smolenskaya Zemskaya provincial government to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the motion that the proposal of the Government of the rail connection with Warsaw Moscow was made through Smolensk. As an argument to prove the need to implement this plan, government states that: "significant military value of the Moscow-Warsaw road. Economic manufakturnoy need to connect the center of industry in Moscow from the North-West region, devoid of any industrial development. Disadvantageous to the interests of Russian folk solitude and alienation colonized the Belarusian and Lithuanian provinces of the Russian spirit and the center of Russian life. "

Including the Smolensk

In October, Smolenskaya Zemskaya provincial government to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the motion that the proposal of the Government of the rail connection with Warsaw Moscow was made through Smolensk. As an argument to prove the need to implement this plan, government states that: "significant military value of the Moscow-Warsaw road. Economic manufakturnoy need to connect the center of industry in Moscow from the North-West region, devoid of any industrial development. Disadvantageous to the interests of Russian folk solitude and alienation colonized the Belarusian and Lithuanian provinces of the Russian spirit and the center of Russian life. "

In 1867, a private company, whose founders were the Riga department store Alexander Shepelera and K ° and the banking house Zultsbah from Frankfurt-am-Main, is building a Moscow-Smolensk road.

December 18, 1869 after meeting with the Emperor Alexander II was ordered to establish a railway network project, which was to be built each year about 500 miles of strategic roads.

In pursuance of the order of 8 Feb, 1870, Minister of Communications Count Bobrinsky, replacing General Melnikova April 20, 1868, introduced to the Committee a draft of a new railway network, which included non-existent line networks: from Smolensk to Brest with a change in direction, instead of through the Mogilev Minsk , Orsha and Borisov, from Brest to one of the items Kijevo-Baltic railway lines did not change in the Zhytomyr and Volyn-Novgorod, and of the shortest path to Berdichev Exactly, one of the items Kursk-Kiev railway to Vitebsk, but not on direction through the Mogilev and Vitebsk, and Minsk in Minsk, Landvarovo other (already in 1869 - 1870 years of the need to get up the railway line, which then passed Libava-Romenskaya Railway).

In 1870, was granted permission to build only three new network of roads (24 roads and 3 branches), including the Smolensk-Brest. Smolensk-Brest railway is part of the line, the establishment of a connection to Warsaw and Moscow governor Kingdom of Poland Count Berg moved in 1866.

The railways

In February 1867, the Count of Berg moved approval of the main line from Smolensk to Brest with a branch of the town Seltse to Pinsk, and authorization to enter into negotiations with the capitalists, giving the line, not only commercial but also strategic value. According to the project branch was held from Brest to Kobrin, Seltse, Slonim, Minsk, Mogilev, Smolensk Gorki bypass, three versts from it, to connect with Orel-Vitebsk road. Introducing May 19, 1867 to the Committee of the railways its submission on the draft Earl Berg, Minister of Communications PP Melnikov said the benefits of sending in Minsk and Pinsk prior to Minsk. In one, the truth condition: must be a thorough preliminary study of the marshy terrain. The conducted survey revealed that more profitable to build a road not on the graves, and the shortest track - at Orsha, Borisov Minsk.

Order of the Minister of Communications PP Melnikov May 19, 1868 Engineer under Colonel spire appointed "head of research of Smolensk railway to Brest-Litovsk, and to monitor the Moscow-Smolensk railway. Head of research, Alexander Ye spire during service in the corps of engineers of Communications has acquired considerable experience in research and work on the construction of railways. Based on his experience and having received from the Ministry to undertake the task of finding the direction Smolensk - Mogilev - Minsk - Brest, spire June 14, 1868 presents the Department of Railways issue of changing the route: instead of Mogilev to railroad through Orsha - Borisov - Minsk, which allowed avoid the double conversion of the Dnipro river and the way forward for the more populous areas, ie, to significantly reduce costs. Perseverance Shpilevaya success. The Ministry agreed to the change of direction.

The original project

Moscow-Smolensk railway. Head of research, Alexander Ye spire during service in the corps of engineers of Communications has acquired considerable experience in research and work on the construction of railways. Based on his experience and having received from the Ministry to undertake the task of finding the direction Smolensk - Mogilev - Minsk - Brest, spire June 14, 1868 presents the Department of Railways issue of changing the route: instead of Mogilev to railroad through Orsha - Borisov - Minsk, which allowed avoid the double conversion of the Dnipro river and the way forward for the more populous areas, ie, to significantly reduce costs. Perseverance Shpilevaya success. The Ministry agreed to the change of direction.

After graduating from surveys in January 1869 became inspector spire Petersburg-Warsaw railway. 16 (28) August 1870 columns celebrates blessing favorite station and other railway facilities. Rainy weather has not been able to prevent the celebration, which began on Father John Yanushevskogo speech about the importance of the Moscow-Smolensk-Brest railway "on the edges of the West on the basis of the Orthodox and the Russian people from central Russia and Moscow in particular." At the end of the prayer community builders in the area was organized entertainment for the workers and the people.

Even when survey lines to accommodate the station Minsk spire chosen place in an area tavern "good idea" that was in 2.5 versts from the city limits. Approaching the station to the city would increase the amount of excavation and hampered its development in the future. Therefore, representatives of the society of Moscow-Brest railway insisted on placing the station and all other devices in accordance with the original project.

The second from Brest

Moscow-Smolensk-Brest railway "on the edges of the West on the basis of the Orthodox and the Russian people from central Russia and Moscow in particular." At the end of the prayer community builders in the area was organized entertainment for the workers and the people. Even when survey lines to accommodate the station Minsk spire chosen place in an area tavern "good idea" that was in 2.5 versts from the city limits. Approaching the station to the city would increase the amount of excavation and hampered its development in the future. Therefore, representatives of the society of Moscow-Brest railway insisted on placing the station and all other devices in accordance with the original project.

Residents, especially merchants, sought knead station closer to the city. Telegram from the Minister of Communications 1 Aug., 1870: "Building the station at Minsk place chosen lieutenant Shpilevaya" put an end to disputes. On Sunday, 23 August (4 September) in 1870, has taken the station bookmark Minsk, in the presence of true statesman adviser Tokarev and confluence with a large audience.

Bishop of Minsk and Bobruisk Alexander served with prayer and the proclamation of the multi vodoosvyascheniem Emperor and all the kingdoms of the house. He then called on parishioners to pray hard to God that he blessed the "start of construction of public houses and so help to make ony quickly, successfully and, accordingly, the expected amenities and public benefits."

1 (13) September 1870 column in a tab large iron bridge of two spans of 45 sazhen across the river Neman. Road construction progressed quite well. And here you want to pay tribute to the skills of society leaders and a small group of government inspectors, who were able to organize a coherent work on a broad front. Already on 24 September (6 October) at the second cross-section of road began the labor movement. And at 6 o'clock in the evening arrived in Minsk train: one of Smolensk, and the second from Brest. Opening the site for continuous operation was scheduled for 16 (28) November 1871. Here's how the event described in the "Minsk provincial Gazette.